Terrific Pacific
04 Aug 09
by Rod Bennett
Eva Kong
Glen St Theatre proved itself more than worthy to carry opera as an artform when the first performance for Pacific Opera was staged on Friday night, July 31.
La Sonnambula (The Sleepwalker) was warmly received by the packed house when it graced the stage for its opening night.
At last, a professional operatic company on the northern beaches presenting an entire season, and looking to make Glen St its new artistic home.
The balance between singers and orchestra was excellent and the vision was clear and intimate, putting the audience right in the action of this provincial Italian hotel in 1963.
The production itself was great with strong performances from tenor Roy Best in the lead as Elvino, soprano Eva Kong as the female lead Amina, and baritone Adrian Tamburini as Count Rodolpho.
The story in a nutshell is that on the eve of nuptuals between Elvino and Amina plans are thrown into chaos when Amina sleepwalks into the Count’s hotel bedroom, lays on his bed, and is discovered by the entire town.
Simple set designs were elegant and effective.
Being able to see the faces of the performers, their expression and personality, added to clarity of this production (subtitles helped here too).
Glen St director Rob Robertson said he always loved ``the buzz’’ which filled the Glen St foyer of particular post-performance opening nights, and that this was one of those occasions.